We decide to change the site from 2Dots1Line to Moment Diaries. There is not much change in the direction but instead of one author, we have two authors (me and my wife). We added more themes to this website to cover more stories about our lives and the discoveries for each moment we have had. Besides, there will be more Chinese version posts to be published here.
Named as Moment Diaries we think that it is worth jotting down every moment we have in our lives. Regardless of happy moments or sad moments, there is always something we can learn from and share with others.
I hope that from now on we can have more frequent updates of what we learned and hopefully, it brings some inspiration for you as well.
A little bit of ourselves…
Liang Jie
I am a software engineer and a full-stack developer. However coding is not 100% of me, I have different versions of me, fun site and sad site. After getting into a relationship and getting married soon ^O^, there are so many things to learn and adjust. Life seems more complicated than I think, as in converting from self-centred to thoughtful. So I have to learn to maintain good relationships, handle personal needs, cooperate, mindfulness and money making. There are many lessons learned we can share. Hopefully, you enjoy reading, do let us know if you have something to find out more.
Ching Ling
❤️我喜欢蓝天,白云,太阳(偷偷告诉你们,我老公和求婚的地点就在我家附近的稻田 ><)。
❤️我喜欢乱乱跑,喜欢自由,喜欢探索新事物。我能够独自一人驾车跑到怡保外公家,跑到Hulu Langat的知竹园去当义工,去参加槟城的10km马拉松🏃♀️,做黑芝麻蛋糕,做芋泥。
❤️我喜欢尝试新事物,差不多一年换一次工应该是最能代表我的这个性格了。大学修读Postharvest Technology in Agriculture,但我之后的工作和大学修读的科系八竿子都搭不上。我在律师楼当个文员,在新加坡的Hydropnic Farm🌱当过Farm Operation Executive, 在新加坡的Landscapping Company当过Assistant Project Manager,在家WFH当customer success specialist。。。而现在的我在新山的其中一所幼儿园当一名幼教📖。
❤️ 我喜欢自我成长。我上了Satir的课,上了The Present当下的礼物,上了游戏治疗,我一直都在思考,我可以如何将我学的,融入在我的教学当中,更好地引导小孩子呢。